Testimonials 2013:
Testimonials 2013:
November 8, 2013
Dear Bob,
I wanted to thank you again for another great adventure. I thought that last year’s hunt in the Mt Emily Unit could not be duplicated but this year was just as good if not better. Every thing that you told me about the hunts were exactly the way they played out and the two bulls could not have been better. There’s a lot of outfitters who will tell their clients exactly what he thinks they would like to hear but you are one of the most honest outfitters that I have dealt with. Be in shape and do your part when the shot comes is great advice for anyone, but in the Blue Mountains it really pays off. I hope that people are starting to take notice of your hunters harvesting BIG!!! bulls and you get more of the recognition that you deserve.
I truly hope we can hunt again in the future.
Jerrell Coburn (817) 343-8418

I originally met Bob Staples in 2009 and have hunted with Blue Mountain Adventures on several occasions now. Every trip has been a wonderful experience and the hunting has been outstanding. Over the years with Bob, I have passed on over 40 different mature bulls and harvested 3 outstanding ones. We have called in several bulls to within 10 yards and one 6x7 bull walked with 18 inches of me. Bob is willing to hunt as hard and as long for a big bull as I am. The terrain of NE Oregon can be menacing and having an outfitter helps to push you and keeps a positive attitude is priceless. I look forward to the next opportunity to hunt with Blue Mountain Adventures and I would recommend Bob and his operation for anyone who is looking for a quality hunt on a trophy elk in NE Oregon.
Jeff Cook (503) 550-5828